Est. Manuel Silva Torrado & CA (Irmãos), S.A. is a company with a centenary tradition, and a leader in the olive sector in Portugal.

Est. Manuel Silva Torrado & CA (Irmãos), S.A. is a company with a centenary tradition, and a leader in the olive sector in Portugal.
The company sells three different olive oil brands: Saloio, Santa Maria and Triunfo. Although the three brands can be found all over the world, the Saloio brand is the most internationally renowned.
Saloio, olive oil with Portuguese Soul
The company sells three olive oil brands:
Saloio, Santa Maria and Triunfo.
Saloio, olive oil with Portuguese Soul
The company sells three olive oil brands:
Saloio, Santa Maria e Triunfo.
Saloio, olive oil with Portuguese Soul
The company sells three olive oil brands:
Saloio, Santa Maria e Triunfo.

Est. Manuel Silva Torrado & Ca. (Irmãos), S.A.